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Supporting 'PANDA'
We're donating 20% of profits to PANDA
In honour of Mother’s Day, we're donating 20% of our profits from all online orders made between April 22nd & May 8th to 'PANDA'. (Perinatal Anxiety and Depression Australia.)
Your postpartum mental health is just as important as your physical health. PANDA works tirelessly to provide support to parents during their most difficult times.

Let's work together to normalise getting help when you need it most– staying silent isn't the answer.
From PANDA's website:
"We amplify the voices of people who have experienced perinatal mental health challenges to influence government, health advocates, healthcare providers, employers and the wider community to support people experiencing perinatal mental health challenges and work towards an Australia in which stigma, shame and barriers to treatment and support no longer exist."
Help us in supporting PANDA's mission– donate directly and know that 20% of all online profits made by The Hermosa Co. between April 22nd – May 8th will be donated to PANDA as well.
Everyone deserves to have a happy Mother's Day. 🖤
Do you, or someone you love, need an understanding ear? Call PANDA's Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Helpline on 1300 726 306, 9am - 7.30pm AEST/AEDT, Mon - Fri.